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Uncategorized Airbrush Kit >> Know Nothing About Airbrushes? Start Here.

Airbrush Kit >> Know Nothing About Airbrushes? Start Here.

পোস্ট করেছেন: delwer master | প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: অক্টোবর ২৩, ২০২১ , ১০:২৬ অপরাহ্ণ | বিভাগ: Uncategorized

So I thought it’d be a great idea to take stuff before I put it away or before I organize it or whatever and do a video refresher video in a more complete video on how to get started air brushing right iwata airbrush kit, so if you’re going to get started air brushing temptu airbrush.This is a pretty good video to show you what you need what, what you might want to take consideration and yeah just some general steps to get you going in the right way so obviously the first thing most people want to find out is what kind of hair brush, they should get right, so the two.Most common styles are these top feed.Their brushes and these bottom feeder brushes are siphoned fetus people like to call them.Um, and as you can see here the top feed loads paint on the top it’s very limited to how much paint you could have and these bottom feeder brushes actually suck pain out through a tube from the bottom and you can you, you can actually like you know get a big bottle for this and if you need to spray a whole large area without stopping you can do that, with these that being said these kind of have their their giveaways and takeaways, you know, like their goods and their bads, the top feeds usually lot more precise as the paint sits directly ready to spray, you know it’s it’s it’s kind of like instant action right, so as soon as you pull back on the trigger a pain will come back both of these air brushes are dual action air brushes.And that means that you can push down for the paint and let me turn on the air here, I mean you push down on this trigger that activates the air and when you pull back that activates the paint coming out the other side.Yeah.Okay so.You have two actions on the single lever here so push down for air pull back for paint right, you always want to push down first and then pull back because if you pull back and then push you’re gonna get a big splatter of paint onto your whatever you’re painting right, so usually the top beat are a lot more precise because the paint sits ready to spray and these, um you know usually they’re pretty good pretty consistent, but I would more recommend this for something where you’re gonna need to switch constantly colors like t-shirts right, so if you need to switch colors where you just need to have a lot of paint ready all the time, these are great for that if you’re gonna be painting like miniature ‘s, if you’re more like into fine art, um, and just in general you know just going to be painting smaller things, maybe just privately painting for yourself, you don’t plant it like a sell paintings or anything like that these are probably a lot better for you. I’m the reason for that is just a speed thing right, so these ones allow you to work a lot faster, a lot more without stopping right so these are actually like what I would call like workhorse type their brushes and this is a badger anthem one fifty five I’ll put a link down in the description to just about everything you’ll need right so I’ll put a link to the air brush to the bottles a I’ll put a link to this air brush here which this is the master air brush g 22 I believe, um.Yep.And so I’ll put a link down to these down in the description, but that way you have a good idea of which air brush, you should be getting and what you should be looking for these are you know more slow, more precise, you know.They’re kind of limited in their paint a reservoir, you know as whatever sizes they do still ones with big cups and stuff like that, but to me that kind of defeats the purpose, if you need that you should get one of these, if you want precise get one of these, if you need to spray a lot, get one of these.Right, so pick your poison, they’re both gonna spray about the same and if you get like a really nice bottom feeder brush, say like, um I wanna eclipse bc’s or even this badger anthem one fifty five you’re able to get like a pencil thin lines with practice right so.Both these were pretty good again I would recommend this a lot more though if you’re going to be doing a lot of precise, um, you know work, if you’re gonna be doing a lot of really fine lines and stuff like that, definitely the bottom feed over the top feed if you want to do t-shirts though and you want to make money I would definitely recommend getting a bunch of bottom feed air brushes and I mean a bunch, I mean at least three so you have a white and black and one for colors. And that will set you off pretty good because again with painting t-shirts, it’s all about speed.And you’re going to be fast, another thing I recommend to get round the back is pain relate to at any given time I house about that many colors all those colors are different in this thing, some of them are big bottles right, if I use a lot of that color, if I had a big project working with that color I use a lot of fluorescent green a lot of black love, white love air brush cleaner and then all these other colors right, yellow peach, um just depends on what you find and some colors like these paralyzed colors I only keep little bottoms up so I’d already recommend to have a ton of pinks right, so I have my pink bottles.Right, so this is like my t-shirt setup right here I have my air brushes and there’s another one sitting in there and then I have all my paint bottles as you can see I keep them kept so the paint stays kind of good in there none of this paint in these is reduced right so you have introducer to these and the paint will start to harden like almost right away, create Tech says about 48 hours, but I would say after a day you’re gonna notice you’re gonna get like a weird sprays and stuff like that, so all I do is take one of these shake it up real good, you know and then I hook it up on my bottle and it’s ready, go usually just clear out this thing, this little pinhole right here and you’re good to go and that’s usually you know my t-shirt setup a setup like that I grab the colors, I need and I go from there and it’s like a hot swap thing, so if you’re doing that I keep a big bottle like this with.Water and I like to put a mixture like a couple drops of dish soap and a little bit of wind X in there just a little like bit of index and that seems to clean out my air brush is like really good like it gets most of the colors out of there if I get some backwash stuff should you don’t even notice, um, you know you don’t notice any of it I also keep a brush cleaner, um, but I use this more as an actual I’m gonna scroll it down if something’s kind of giving me problems.Right, so again we’ve got lots of pink bottles, if you have a top beater brush, you don’t have to worry about getting pink bottles, you can just get the colors you want of paint right, but you know I would recommend getting as many colors as many pains as possible, always I always have tons of paint tons of colors and as you can see I usually have them up in the videos and stuff like that, but this is actually how I store it I keep in here and then it goes in the drawer down there, so it keeps it away from you know dust and heat and cold and all that it stays nice and safe down there, so it’s good.Then, after that.I have my stencil box here one of them, C I have a small pencil box, and then I have a large stencil box with more stencils I also use this quite a bit for a lot of designs. Zell kind of stuff in there some lettering, so I’m leper print stuff like that I keep all that in here and then I have a small sensor box which again I sell some of these stencils right directly off the website like this is our water effects kit and as you can see mine’s pretty useful, this is part of the bricks, kid spider webs and I have you know pretty much like a lot of stuff in here you know little stuff like this a scholes, you pretty much whatever you’re gonna wanna be painting I have in here roses years, what else we got g guy right and usually what I do with these to keep them from sticking is I’ll try to have a shirt or something right when I’m done painting, my shirts for the day or whatever.I try to stamp these on the shirt like just you know pat them down so they get a little bit of fibers on them, and it kind of gets the sticky mess away and then I throw them in here because you’re gonna have a whole bunch of spray adhesive at the end of the day on all these so you’re gonna keep on but I got big boxes, little pencils cost expenses and yeah then I get a lot of people that ask about a compressor right, so here’s what I would recommend as the bottom line is the California air tools, one p10 sixty s again, I’ll put a link down the description for you, it has a tank, it has a nice little pump here, it’s kind of quiet it’s not like super silent but it’s quiet enough that if you’re at a party or if you’re at some kind of event if they have music going you won’t even hear it because the music will be louder than this guaranteed and it’s so easy to talk over you’re not yelling.People are not scared by it when it clicks on and stuff like that right, so that’s what I would recommend at least to start off with right now if we walk around here we look over here, this is what I have in my shop, sorry for the fly tape, it’s flies, but you can see, this is a seven horsepower sixty gallons hundred thirty-five PS I I have a huge line right, this line then I have a regulator at the end over here now depending on what I’m painting, some of my attachments have water filters, and if I need to I attach a water filter over there so if I’m painting a vehicle or something like that I attach water filters, but for most part just for air brushing we don’t get a lot of moisture in here, so that’s you know that’s perfectly OK.But I do have others so here’s the car right, but over here behind the car I could see my other compressors, so here’s a harbor freight compressor, how big is this, it says eight gallons 125 PS I that also works amazing right so that one still works, that’s when I kind of use if I’m gonna go paint, somebody’s shop, I’m gonna go to the flea market and paint do t-shirts deafening works really good, it’s really loud though so usually I’ll leave it in the trunk of the car or in the backseat, you know with the Windows down.It kind of hides the noise a little bit got some big long hose, so I could run the hose to wherever I am and yeah you know those are probably what I would recommend right off the BAT, so if you want to get started air brushing you, you know you’re going to spend money on your on your air brush I would definitely recommend you spend a little bit of money on your professor as well, um and more towards size as opposed to brand right because I’ve bought all kinds of brands and really what’s going to help you out is that size of the tank right, so if you’re spraying a lot like t-shirts.Um that tank over there on that harbor freight compressor that works great as as opposed to if I’m working with this one I usually work with more lower pressure. You know I’ll run about 3035 PS I maybe try to reduce paints a little bit and limit how much I actually spray right, so I won’t hold the trigger down constantly worth with that other one I’ll hold the trigger down run about 45 PS I fifty P S I and never have a problem, these ones can tend to overheat on you again all depends on what you’re doing I recommend the bigger the tank the bigger the longer it’s gonna last you basically so okay, what else we got all that so.Yeah I think that’s pretty much all the basic stuff, you’re gonna need a regulator to regulate chair paints different air brushes compressors stencils.Then right, if you’re gonna be paying t-shirts or honestly if you’re gonna be paying canvases to you’re gonna want a couple of boards and you, you put these you get yourself an easel like this one you know a little tripod stand that holds your canvas or whatever, it’s called an easel. And then you’re gonna wanna get your boards to go on the easel and you want one of these even if you’re doing canvas because it kind of holds a canvas in place so it doesn’t like sway from side to side and it gives the ease a little bit of weight, so depending on what kind of easily yet I guess if you get a really fancy easel or like a sturdy one or if you build one you know you might not need it, if you’re doing canvas, but for t-shirts, you definitely need it right, because these your t-shirt slides over this, this separate yourself sides of the shirt right, so whatever you spray on this side doesn’t show up on the backside of the shirt, you can find these boards at harbor freight, I mean at harbor freight really home depot.And they’re about like ten bucks to fifteen dollars and it’s called hard board, it’s usually right next to the pegboard it’s the same stuff as pegboard except it doesn’t have the holes in it right, so all you’re gonna do is cut these down to size.And I have various sizes right, like I have that one I have that one I have one I use for like pant legs I have one for like kid shirts and you know I have a like different size kids shirt, you know maybe just a little bit bigger sung I have lots of these different sizes I have some really really big ones as well so you’re gonna want these for doing shirt, honestly, if you’re painting shirts and you’re looking to do a market or something like this.You’re gonna want like twenty of these like you’re gonna want like five of every size because if you start getting busy what becomes a thing is to load the shirts onto the board and then place the order on it and then you just kind of have an assembly line where you’re going and you’re painting what’s coming down the line right so that was the way we always did it.So here I am I got some paper towels, if you’re just starting out if this is like you know practice I guess are beginning and you’ve already picked your brush, you got your compressor, all hooked up and now you’re like how do I use the air brush right, so first off if you’re learning and you want to practice I would recommend getting some paper towels paper towels were great for practicing on you don’t have to worry about messing anything up because you could just fold it up dirty way, if you really like what you paint, you could save it, you know there’s nothing wrong with a paper towel but really, if you’re just looking to practice these will save you a lot of money in the long run, whether it’s supposed to you know wanting to paint the board over and over or get canvases over and over or get t-shirts over and over, if you get good on paper, first it always helps so you can use paper towels, you can use regular you know notebook paper, you know paper just works really good because it’s you could get a large large package.Paper or like a roller like this a couple bucks and you’re going to practice for a while right, so here what I’m gonna do is take some black. Are you sure airbrake working like that.Yeah.And basically like I showed you if you push down its air, if you push down and pull back its paint the important part is to remember that if you’re going to pull back it’s a two-step process, you need to push down first and then pull back, you don’t ever pull back and push down you’re gonna get splattered now if that’s an effect you’re after then of course by all means, but if you’re looking to make consistent lines are smooth lines, the key is to basically always hold down the air, never let it go and use that.Trigger motion to control your paint.Right, so once you’ve basically get the idea, it’s good to practice consistency so.One of the main things I always try to show people to do is some dots so you want to get whole family heir.Dot Mo dot move over.God.Simple dots, you just pull back on the trigger, let it go, it starts building up your control of the trigger and as well as getting used to your brain used to that idea of that paint’s gonna come out when you pull it back right, so after you get good at making dots and you can make them different sizes, you know practice little dots practice big dots, um, you know. It’s always good practice lines right, so once you start getting pretty good with dots, you start getting a pretty good idea of how far you need to be to make the dock because obviously if you make it far dot it’s gonna make a big wide spray if you get close you know and don’t be afraid to get close, it’s gonna make a nice spying dot right so.Once you get good at dots, you’re gonna wanna make some lines and the thing you have to remember bottom line is that it’s just a moving dot, so if you can make those dot here gettin close pull it push down on the air pull back on the trigger.And the line is just a moving dot so you just make the dot.And then move.Right now I have a lot of people that do these and they go, how do I get them nice and straight right so.I always have top or try to tell people about their posture, so if you’re standing up straight you want this to be you know about as eyes as high as my eyes and no lower than my belly button right I don’t want to be bending over to paint stuff right that’s always bad because you want to try to use your hips.Right, just swayed back and forth and your back kind of like your shoulders to move action, the reason you want to use your body and not like your hands is because your body will pivot, smoother it it’s just a smoother motion so you make your dot you’re locking your elbows to your side use both hands, grab it make your doc. Twist your hips to the side, then nice and straight, once you get good at it.Yeah.There you go, you can make lines so once you get pretty good at making lines.And dots, you know you’re getting a pretty good, hang of the understanding of the air brush right and from here you can write your name, you could do little little basic things. You know, but from here when I recommend whether you have a top feed or bottom feed, whether you plan to paint miniature ‘s, whether you plan to paint shirts it doesn’t matter.Is that you practice the dire stroke.Alright so a dagger stroke is a line that goes from thick to thin in the same motion you want to start off a little bit far away.Pool weirdo.Pull the hair back moves down get closer and we slowly slide that trigger forward right, yeah push here down.Hold back.Moves forward and down.And flag that trigger food.Thick to thin right.Again, if you want it to be nice and straight, use your back to kind of slide your way down don’t use your hands because your hands have play sideways so locking your elbows. Push down their pullback.Fly down towards like other once you get rid of.Yeah.I’m doing pretty good you, you know your hand gets used to it.This is about as fast as I would do them when I started as I.Good here, pull back on the trigger. Telegram.Slider flower.If it doesn’t look perfect it’s fine it’s practice right, that’s why we’re practicing so just practice me.Yeah.I mentioned you could get them nice and fine things and from here you can practice them going upside sides at is what makes.Our stars.Right, these are dagger strokes going out if you see somebody makes start by doing this.This is wrong, this is not air brushing, this is air brush, this is I’ve seen it and I didn’t know how it was done and I did my best, this is how it’s done.I have some dogs around it. Leader.Alright, so that’s the basic beginning of the air brush right and people be like, why do you stop after the dagger stroke showed me how to shade showed me how to do this the truth is you know how to draw if you’re already good with a pencil and if once you get these dagger strokes to where you can whip them out.You’re probably good enough with an air brush that you could create whatever you want.The dagger stroke is kind of like the.Everything is in there right, so if you need to make a thick line, thin line, everything will fall within this dagger stroke.And once you’re able to understand you know how to make thick lines, the rest of it is just actually knowing what to paint how to make it and so on, so forth and that brings me to my last theme, which is if you plan to paint t-shirts hats whatever you’re going to need designs and you’re gonna need to show them you’re going to have them up, people need to see them.And the reason I have them on these and not like on actual hats is because they would take a lot of money and be a waste of resources to have a hundred hats up but only two of them sell or maybe only one design repeatedly sells, what about all those other hats that you painted you’ve just wasted all the hats and all that money on anything when you could just cheaply by this material paint, these they don’t take up as much space.Right, so and all you do is when people walk up. You tell, um yeah those are hat designs and we do them for this much.Right, so, or you could have a thing that says hat designs and you have these all pasted on there like the way I did.So we were getting ready to put these away.And kind of going through our t-shirt designs right so you’re gonna do t-shirts you’re gonna need t-shirt designs and this is a like maybe a quarter of the.The stack that we take when we do t-shirts.But you know we have everything bowling balls, you’re gonna eat a softball in there maybe some Marijuana designs football is always popular marines hearts hearts are like the number one seller you know we’ve got a team out here called the cyclones make sure to have that up a soccer ball or football depending where you’re from see that pattern that I have over here it’s always in there I have it mixed up with different colors that owns black and gray, a colt you know you always need those.Again, we have hearts in this heart, you know it’s like, um.Like separated out colors, you can see this designs from 2016.And we keep them going like we have all of these designs just ready and we set them all up all around, and if you want to make money, air brushing you’re gonna need tons of designs and every artist will make different designs, of course we all have about the same stuff you know hearts and whatnot, but everybody’s designs will be different and that’s what makes it awesome, that’s what makes it interesting is that you don’t have to make your designs look like mine yours or different. Alright so.Always keep that in mind, don’t think that you have to look a certain way or that you have to paint a certain way or make it look a certain way because that’s completely not true, you make those however you want.You know, it’s up to you, but yeah guys I think I’ve covered everything there, at least all the stuff I have here to get you going with your air brush I can’t really think of anything else, I hope that helps you guys out again 2019, this video I’ll probably make another one a couple years updated maybe there’s new products can doubt it but we’ll see, but anyway guys remember everything’s linked down in the description as a stencil sheets are down there, the paint the air brushes’s a compressor, I’ll have Luke down there yeah, thank you guys for watching I hope you guys have a good time air brushing I hope you guys you’re good as I’ve already seen there’s a lot of new air brushing like air brushes coming up.